Title: The Eslites, The Arrival
Author: C.M. Doporto
Rating: 4/5
SummaryWhen Miranda, superior donor destined to save the Eslites, learns the human race is in danger along with the donors at Nidus, she decides it’s time for the Eslites to set her and her friends free. Against the odds, she sets out on a quest to convince US government officials that what the Eslites are doing to them is violating the current order in place. Will she succeed or will the Eslites continue to test human females in hopes of producing offspring to save their race?
My Review
This book was book of the week for a book club I am in and the author was kind enough to gift me an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review, which also included the prequel and that was cool and I will also review that one on goodreads so look for that :) I really enjoyed them both.
A few of the others in the book club chose not to read this one because it was Sci-fi and about Aliens, now I'm not calling them out I just say that to bring up my opinion, I enjoy Sci-fi for the most part but I am also very picky about it, I have been let down by a few books in this genre so I tend to tread carefully, this book however was not one that let me down and I believe the main reason for that was because the main focus is not really the Aliens but more about the adventure the main character, Miranda, embarked on and her determination to save not only girls on Nidus but so many others. I feel like it had more of a Dystopian feel than Sci-fi and since I love Dystopian I was just fine with that.
I am a big fan of a strong bad ass heroine and Miranda was one I became very interested in. She was very strong and in my eyes she had many set backs yet she found a way to power through and bounce back a bit:
"Mays are leaders. We never show weakness."
I am rooting for things to work out for her, I was from the start and with that insane ending I can not wait to find out more, I am very interested in what will happen in the next leg of her journey. Bryce was okay for me I liked him but I did not love him, he was sweet and he helped Miranda through a lot but I found him a little blah, However I do believe he is essential and I am glad Miranda has him for support, I just could not connect with him. Now I want to talk about Miranda's Dad but not to much cause the jerk face does not deserve it. I have heard of emotionally constipated but this guy takes the cake, I hate him!
I must add that I love this beautiful cover, It would have definitely drawn me in if I came across it and I like that in a cover.
I enjoyed many things about this book and I would like to continue the series and learn more.